Política de Privacidad /





Privacy Policy

General terms and conditions of the privacy policy and legal guidelines governing the use of Tier1 Group's website.


Privacy Policy


Tier1 Group Privacy Protection Policy

Through this notice, TIER 1 TECHNOLOGY, S.A. (hereinafter Tier1), with its registered office at Calle Boabdil 6, Edificio Vega 7, CP.41900 Camas, Sevilla, and email address tier1@tier1.es, informs users of its portal about its personal data protection policy so that they may freely and voluntarily decide whether to provide the personal data that may be required or obtained as a result of access to or use of the website. Tier1 reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential changes, as well as industry practices. In such cases, the changes introduced will be announced on this page with reasonable notice before they are put into practice.

File and Form Registration

The personal data collected will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into the File detailed in the informative clauses of each section where personal data may be collected. In accordance with applicable regulations, this file is registered in the General Data Protection Register. Tier1 provides users with the appropriate technical resources to enable them, prior to providing their consent, to access this Privacy Policy or any other relevant information and to give their consent to the automated processing of their personal data. Unless otherwise indicated, responses to questions about personal data are voluntary, and failure to respond does not imply a reduction in the quality or quantity of the corresponding services, unless otherwise stated. Users may unsubscribe at any time by sending an email to tier1@tier1.es with the subject "UNSUBSCRIBE."

Exactitud y veracidad de los datos facilitados

Los usuarios garantizan y responden, en cualquier caso, de la exactitud, vigencia y autenticidad de los datos personales facilitados, y se comprometen a mantenerlos debidamente actualizados.
Tier1 no responde de la veracidad de las informaciones que no sean de elaboración propia y de las que se indique otra fuente, por lo que tampoco asume responsabilidad alguna en cuanto a hipotéticos perjuicios que pudieran originarse por el uso de dicha información. Tier1 se reserva el derecho a actualizar, modificar o eliminar la información contenida en su página Web pudiendo incluso limitar o no permitir el acceso a dicha información.
Se exonera a Tier1 de responsabilidad ante cualquier daño o perjuicio que pudiera sufrir el usuario como consecuencia de errores, defectos u omisiones, en la información facilitada siempre que proceda de fuentes ajenas a Tier1.

Legal Notices


Legal Notice of TIER1 TECHNOLOGY, S.A.

This legal notice governs the use of the Tier1 website, with its registered office at Calle Boabdil 6, Edificio Vega 7, CP.41900 Camas, Sevilla, with CIF A91190868, and registered in the Mercantile Registry of SEVILLA, Volume 4178, Folio 221, Sheet SE 48235.


The use of the website is also subject to all notices, usage regulations, and instructions made known to the user by Tier1, which supplement and/or modify this Legal Notice. In general, the relationships between Tier1 and the users of its telematic services present on the website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction. For any litigation matter, both Tier1 and the user, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of Sevilla (Spain). They may also submit their disputes to consumer arbitration, through adherence to the competent Consumer Arbitration System, which will also be provided electronically, in accordance with the procedure established by regulation.

User Access and Use

The user is informed and accepts that access to this website does not imply, in any way, the beginning of a commercial relationship with Tier1. Tier1 reserves the right to make the modifications it deems appropriate to its website without prior notice, being able to change, delete, or add both the contents and services provided through it and the way in which they are presented or located on its servers.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All the contents of the www.tier1.es website (including, without limitation, databases, images, photographs, drawings, graphics, and text files) are the property of Tier1 or its content providers, having been, in the latter case, subject to a license or assignment by them, and are protected by national or international intellectual property laws. The compilation, design, arrangement, and assembly of all the content of the website is the exclusive property of Tier1 and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property laws.

The trademarks, signs, distinctive signs, or logos of the www.tier1.es website are owned by Tier1 and are duly registered. Texts, data, and graphic drawings are the property of Tier1 or the information-supplying entities, and may not be subject to further modification, copying, transformation, alteration, reproduction, adaptation, or translation by third parties without the express authorization of the owner of such content. The provision of texts, data, and graphic drawings does not imply, in any case, the transfer of their ownership or the granting of a right of exploitation, reproduction, dissemination, transformation, distribution, or transmission in their favor, other than the right of use that involves the legitimate use of www.tier1.es.

Website Content and Links

Tier1 is not responsible for the misuse of the contents on its website; the person accessing or using them is solely responsible. Website owners who wish to create a hyperlink to www.tier1.es commit to not establishing links to websites where the Tier1 logo does not appear, nor to making false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements that could mislead or, in general, violate laws. Website owners who wish to create a hyperlink to www.tier1.es also commit to not establishing hyperlinks to websites containing content, statements, or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, advocating terrorism, or that could in any way damage Tier1's good name or image.

The inclusion of hyperlinks on www.tier1.es does not necessarily imply that Tier1 has commercial relations or associative links with the website owner where the link is established. The presence of hyperlinks on www.tier1.es is merely for informational purposes, and Tier1 is not responsible for nor provides any guarantee, whether expressed or implied, regarding the merchantability, suitability, quality, characteristics, origin, or marketing of the information and/or products and/or services provided.


Tier1 states that this website has the appropriate technology to allow access and use. However, it is not responsible for the potential presence of viruses or other harmful elements, introduced by any means or by any third party, that could cause alterations to users' computer systems. The website www.tier1.es may contain inaccuracies, significant omissions, imprecisions, or typographical errors. Tier1 does not guarantee, in any case, the truthfulness, accuracy, or currency of the data contained on its website. The user accessing www.tier1.es releases Tier1 from any responsibility concerning the reliability, usefulness, or false expectations that this website could produce.

Limitation of Liability

Tier1 does not offer any guarantees regarding the functioning of the website www.tier1.es or the information contained therein. Tier1 will not be responsible for any damages or harm, of any kind, that may arise from the use of the website www.tier1.es. Tier1 excludes all responsibility for the legality, content, and quality of the data and information offered by third-party entities through the website www.tier1.es.